A writer's blog of the sublime, surreal, repugnant and redeeming.

This is a writer's blog of the sublime, surreal, repugnant and redeeming, my venture into the great unknown and unknowable.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

The Truth About the TERF Wars

 It amazes me how much frightening blatant misogyny and violent porn gets posted on Reddit. Then I suggest in 4th wave feminism that the real solution to the terf wars is creating an equipment only based group safe space trauma option. Basically just permitting certain  external-equipment-restricted venues for making safe women's SA and DV trauma support (that doesn't at all exclude fully transitioned XY, internalized intersex and XX mtf). 

And I got a 7 day ban for hate speech (LOL.) in the violent, pornographic, androcentric dick positive anus of the Internet, (4chan excepted which is the pit of the worst). Because MtFs are never the problem: trolls are the problem. 

Trolls will scream identity rights from the rooftops for lulz, to torment feminism and divide/conquer, without taking a single estradiol/progesterone pill to start the actual damn journey, and who get off on threatening any feminists with social death if there's any argument with their troll-generated, fake, uncounseled, unprescribed, unsupported female identity declarations.

You have no idea how many bald, greasy, ball scratching skidmarks have told me in my twenties and thirties that they were lesbians trapped in a man's body. This does not make them lesbians, but it makes them jealous. Fast forward 25 years and they have found a community of bearded, ball scratching lesbians online.

I've had feminists on Facebook actually threaten my life for stating the need for safety clarification in select spaces, out of their own fear of ostracization from these trolls.

Due to this I have pretty much sussed that I am that one person who can actually get banned for hate speech on 4chan. The chainsaw gore porn r*pe fantasy core of the Internet. Because men basically want to rule feminism and I say NO, in some cases, external crotch equipment free safe spaces are important too. As important as having gun free venues in a 2nd Amendment country.

I find this hilarious. To trolls, I'm basically the ultimate enemy, and I'm being followed and doxxed as such, when actual terrorists already know that doxxing me is hilarious and fruitless. It's me ruling them and sucking time off their tiny and, frankly, worthless lives.

MtF trans are people with the right to exist. I would never argue with this, and in genuine cases, this is absolute.

Trolls are not.

Until trolls die out, biological women who have experienced violence coming from the 95% statistic of violence gender, have the right to create equipment free venues when necessary. 

If this makes you say TERF, unfriend me now. Because that right will always exist.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Instructions on stopping Qanon-incited insanity in relatives

I don't have a Qanon problem in my family THANK GOODNESS but here are my instructions on a 302 for safety. I am so heartbroken reading about how this is unstopped and destroying families. Some of you have fam in the South and Midwest who may be more susceptible to this; if this is the case, you can sneak instructions to their immediate family for arresting this crowdsourced madness as a last ditch save.

How To Slam Dunk Qanon In Your Immediate Family

This post is for those who have parents (sometimes children...sigh) who have been taken in by Qanon. There is a tactical solution, albeit deliciously evil, called involuntary observation and legal conservatorship. This is specifically for those Qanon believers who have started doing insane things like drinking silver nitrate, chlorine or ivermectin, spending large amounts of money on fear based scams, or handing assets over to known criminals. (Or made violent threats.)

Tell mental health services that they are deliberately ingesting poison or discussing suicide, which of course is concerning, illegal and bars life insurance payouts, and get them shut into a facility for involuntary observation for 2 weeks to 30 days. You can fluff or inflate the facts if necessary because the mental professionals will immediately see that something is seriously wrong anyhow.

Hopefully you have the proof poison sitting in bottles right there, but if not, you have your concern and your word against Qanon crazy. At that point they will be force detoxed off the Internet inside the facility and have a chance to vomit their insanity at a shrink who will start a rehab regimen.

While they're in the facility, hopefully in separate wards so they can't encourage the internet socialized crazy, **immediately** get an attorney. They can help you apply for a guardianship/conservatorship so that older parents can't refuse to grant you Power of Attorney. This will give you power over their expenditures, investments, care costs and property.

Also while they're in the facility, put all firearms in offsite storage, a locked metal safe where only you possess the combination, or better yet, dispose of them entirely. The involuntary observation will be visible to federal authorities in a carry permit search. Submit this to the local authorities to have those permits withdrawn.

With a history of involuntary observation approved by a close family member (you) due to dangerous and violent or suicidal behavior, and attendant proof in the products they are ingesting and wackadoo racist conspiracy things they are saying, you will be able to ruthlessly curate their internet behavior and media consumption. Change over their smartphones to flip phones, and then change their administrative settings on electronics to make you the only admin. Then block all Q websites on their home internet so that Q chatrooms and Anon sites are a no go.

They'll still be able to binge FOX News and various free TV apps that run Blaze and Breitbart news, but the financial damage will be arrested and you will have a hard say in everything that leaves their bank account. They also won't be able to throw a tantrum and change the will. You'll get the silent treatment probably for a while but I'm sure the facility will give them enough treatment not to care nearly as much about your "betrayal" as you think they would when they get out.

Hopefully sheepish and a bit disoriented while blinking in the sunshine of reality. And maybe thankful and embarrassed too.

Saturday, October 14, 2023


 You were born perfect, your existence is perfect, your failures are perfect, your successes are perfect, your joys are perfect, your traumas are perfect, everything you do is what you do for the reason you do it.

My point is, the filter of judgment you place on yourself is created by you and only you. Perfectionism is only useful for the generation of specific results, and that perfectionism should only be applied to the set of results you desire.

Creating a filter for perfectionism should consist of reflecting on whether or not that perfectionism has any useful role in bleeding over into other aspects of your life. For example, you can be an expert martial artist and still allow yourself at times to sleep in, eat dessert, and self soothe without judging your own actions as weaknesses.

Imagine a Tibetan Rinpoche taking a time out from hours of mantra to smoke a cigarette while still in full non-judgmental Conscious Awareness. The only one judging him is himself, and when he doesn't do that, the only ones judging him are those with unforgiving expectations of what to expect from authority.

When you are your own authority, pretend that you already have an inner Rinpoche who understands that all existence is perfect as-is with all its imperfections, and that the cycle of birth and death, filth and chaos in nature creates the diversity and vista of nature that we call natural beauty and perfection.

At that point, the remaining work that needs to be done is only about generating a result in a particular practice for the good of humankind, and generating anything through yourself needs that filter to avoid suffering from self judgment.

Owning a Sommelier's nose

have the nose and palate of a Sommelier, and it's getting even more sensitive now with The Pause. That means at least half the houses I walk into and cars I get into smell like egg farts, cigarettes and dogshit. I have absolutely no idea how actual Sommeliers deal with France being France considering that they're in, well...France. Maybe they all just sleep outside in the vineyard gazebo and only come in for the third shower of the day.

I can't really be accused of being a snob just because I have a sensitive palate. I was told that my French great grandfather in Canada put his long johns on in September and didn't take them off until April. Christ, it almost makes me think I got this nose from my First Nations side because I'd rather smell skunk hides and burning cedar than whitefella ass. My Mi'qmaq great grandmother must have held her nose and done it for Jesus.

People get upset when I get honest about how they smell. But I'd rather they stomp off for a shower than me having to swing Catholic frankincense around me all the time to offset the smell of peasants who forget they have crotch, pits, dogs, and vices. Just a note, most of these peasants are hobosexual men who can't even throw themselves and their clothes in a creek once in a while.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Releasing my IRA story to the general public: I'm about to do it

I think it's time in this day and age to tell people about what I went through in Ireland. Populist nationalism in the US is a huge problem and it's high time to tell my story. I'm sure since my real name is used here some bunch of pro-fenian chuckleheads will try to doxx me or fuck with my finances and credit. Just to keep you abreast of this tactic, you should know that I am shameless as fuck and have enough money for an attorney retainer, and don't really need credit anyhow.

There are still IRA bombers hiding out in the US and packing your groceries in the Midwest. If you infiltrate Noraid and Friends of Sinn Fein in the US, you'll find out who they are. Ireland protected abortion clinic bombers from the US and I worked in the Irish civil service in Dublin where one had been a coworker and whose former position I had filled. Honestly if I had known their name I would have taken it straight to the American embassy in Ballsbridge and given the unofficial Feds enough information to bypass extradition with a ground operation off the Irish government's radar. 

But in other ways I did Uncle Sam's dirty work while I was over there, and also England's dirty work. After I returned from Ireland in 2013 I promptly called Noraid/Friends of Sinn Fein office in NYC and told them that now that I'm back with second amendment rights, Gerry Adams should watch his butt cancer ass coming over here, because depending on my mood he might end up not making it to his IRA fundraisers in Boston and New York. Hey, I was coming home with massive PTSD caused by terrorists, so I said what my heart was screaming.

That got me a visit from the FBI but it was totally worth it. They started leaning on FOSF and Noraid and clamping down on fundraising because an American, WITH A PAPER TRAIL at Bob Corker's office documenting this hellscape, tangled with the tactical system of a bunch of white terrorists. Good thing the J6 protestors were and are too stupid and disorganized to operate like the IRA.

As for Gerry, I only wish a long and drawn out painful kidney failure death of natural causes for that Jean McConville-murdering hairball. I was almost disappeared too.

Also, just to note, my ex in Ireland who got the IRA involved in my family matters is now dead from alcoholism. The authorities in NI have hidden this from me but I found him on Findagrave buried next to his grandmother and a photo of him lying on a bridge in Derry drunk off his ass. Good riddance. 

Monday, October 9, 2023

Sharia Enabling Liberals and also, Fuck Hamas

Hamas' inability to compromise when they want an all-Sharia state is why the West Bank and Gaza Strip remained separate. The majority of remaining Palestinians living just fine inside Israel don't give a fk about wanting a Sharia state, and cohabit and share political power just fine with Israelis. Nobody fist-pumping on college campuses seems to comprehend that particular reality.

All the engineered liberal backlash to Israel is woefully uninformed about the fact that so many Palestinians live in Israel just fine. They understand that enjoying life in a Western nation requires compromise, power sharing, interest on investments, letting women wear whatever the fuck they want, and not giving a solitary shit about an unmarried neighbor couple tucking into a lobster roll and enjoying a nap with their cute little lapdog.
Hamas needs to be hammered imo. Hard, with prejudice. Manipulating liberal sentiment is how Sharia states empower their own fan base of exclusion and oppression, and empower the very right wing religious monstrosity that liberalism is supposed to oppose. When I was over in Ireland and discovered how many fans of Cousin Ira flew Hamas flags, my doors of sympathy slammed shut so hard they shook the whole house.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Internet Engineered Minorities and devaluing of genuine systemic issues

Internet Engineered Minority: definition

When a little majority choad on the Internet feels left out of what they see as special treatment of genuinely oppressed groups, and engineers their own group identity to feel socially validated within a niche behavior. Usually they are violently allergic to the truth about their celebrated niche behavior removing power from, and being far inferior to, the needs of the actual oppressed minority.

Example: My post on kink Reddit: "Str8 males on Fetlife are there to fetishize both their hatred of, and sexual attraction to, women, and to find support for their sadistic psychosis" -20 likes and mod warnings "Waah, don't kink shame us you oppressor, waaaah" ("Kink shaming" is the new IEM buzzword for outing sexual neuroses and dangerous behavior as such)

Same post on Feminist Reddit: +900 likes

Historic example: 1990s creation of neopagan identity on the Internet.

My post on neopagan Reddit: "If xtianity has damaged you so much then kick all deities to the curb and grow tf up as an enlightened atheist; all gods are infantile" -20 likes, mod warning, "Don't oppress my wicca/magickckckckul lifestyle you Burning Times loving oppressor"

Same post on atheist Reddit: +200 likes

My point is, never listen to Internet Engineered Minorities whining about how you're oppressing them. Call the little bastards out. The Internet created their so-called community when the actual oppressed minorities existed before the Internet as systemic social issues. Wanting to be part of an engineered minority is a pathology that values victimhood as a social glue and fails to acknowledge personal responsibility in countering actual systemic oppression.