A writer's blog of the sublime, surreal, repugnant and redeeming.

This is a writer's blog of the sublime, surreal, repugnant and redeeming, my venture into the great unknown and unknowable.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Boomer Beanies

Estate sales in Nashville are frequently featuring picker sales that have plastic tote buckets full of reams and reams of Beanie Babies. They moulder in garages and bedrooms among the piles of secondary crap that is now outdated and useless, like piles of near mint 30 year old computer equipment, or boxed sports items the same age featuring personalities nobody remembers, or boxed kitchen geegaws that take up valuable counter space and were never used because they only replaced a knife and a wrist.
I have realized that Beanie Babies were the first Internet meme that lied to Boomers about what matters in this world, and it went downhill since. The one positive out of this sad observation is that my kiddo can choose the wonky ones he loves for $1, and leave the boring ones to their fate at Goodwill. Beanies were the first among the many worthless memetic commodities that have popped like soap bubbles for the last 28 years to reveal the twisted values of the generation who made the 80s great.
It doesn't help that their houses are packed to the rafters with crap that they never used or enjoyed, and their estates are stunningly representative of hoarded resources that Millennials and Zoomers couldn't hope to acquire without a business acumen that includes pushing lies to people about value.
And that's how they got rich.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

What I Am Learning While Participating in CE-5

 I am learning about the reality of interstellar life vs. the fictions surrounding us in popular culture. 

If you want to learn about CE-5, watch "Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind" on Amazon, download Dr. Greer's app, and join a local contact group via Facebook.

My learning through watching good media and participating in CE5:

1) Every star system develops on its own matter state timeline, which means no species is at the same technological or biological evolutionary level (unlike what is presented in sci fi); some are 10,000 years ahead of us, others are several million. This means that so-called hostile experiences are most often random military industrial complex (MIC) engineered experiences in order to keep humans afraid of what is really out there. 

2) All CE5 experiences are universally positive. You must experience one with zero fear or else the intention will not summon them. Don't be afraid. They're here to love us and coach us on our potential.

3) There are no star wars. The low evolutionary state of conflict is strictly prohibited above our atmosphere. Killing sentient beings is forbidden, it rips the Web of Consciousness holding together the interstellar highways of nonlocal communication. 

If you need an equivalent in modern fiction: Trinity, Hiroshima and Nagasaki made ripples in this Web equivalent to Obi-Wan collapsing when Alderaan was vaporized by the Death Star. This brought waves of concerned vehicles to our atmosphere in the late 40s and early 50s to see what the hell was going on. 

4) There is such a thing as the Force. There is no dark side to it outside the dimensional effects of ghost activity limited to our world, as the dark side is pure fear, low evolution and gross survival instinct that suppresses access and development of transdimensional power, and is limited to our planet's evolutionary bottlenecks and crucibles within nature. The only way to access the Real Force is through practice of meditative Universal Compassion and coherent thought sequencing, daily and regularly. 

If you also take a magnetite supplement nightly in a very small amount, you will build your natural ability to access information transmitted through the EM spectrum with the ferromagnetic iron present in homing pigeons and ruminant animals ingested through dirt and gravel. Be careful as it has the same effects as any iron supplement, follow medical protocols for safety. And be aware that it also works for local Earth based EMF fields, including warnings of seismic zone activity and communication with earthbound entities stuck in fear based repeat loops based in violence. Never be afraid to put those entities in their place. You are in control and always more powerful as you possess a living cortex able to access higher help.

5) There are active MIC tactics to suppress knowledge of the zero conflict rule, including funding Hollywood propaganda showing hostile alien invasion. The MIC is frustrated by the reality that there will be zero colonization or economic resource domination by humans, except upon other humans on our own world with dwindling ecological resources. 

Be aware of this propaganda. Filter it at the source by refusing to participate in fear based conjecture.

6) Support real survival- resource-based economy and socialization of essential resources for living and thriving: Food, water, power, shelter, warmth, and neutralization of violence. Start financially supporting ecological recovery and alternative energy, stop plastic pollution and encourage clean oceans. 

There have been claims of a 1950s-1970s "secret space program" (which my own jury is still out upon); the parties chosen for this by the military industrial complex would still have come back with enough intel through reconnaissance to tell the MIC that the nonviolence, ability to neutralize violence, economic and political socialization, and resource sharing among advanced traveling interstellar societies would make colonization and our current system of resource monetization and power hoarding completely moot off of Earth. There's no colonial money in it, so it was folded. (Typical of the resource-hoarding and controlling remnant European colonial mindset of the American halls of power at that time.)

7) This is where personal power and CE5 has its opportunity to shine: many humans poor in hoarded, low-evolution resources are rich in the spiritual power that Our Friends find more useful in their societies.

This means that an ash-covered Sadhu meditating in a charnel ground by the Ganges, or a suicide counselor, or an EMT saving lives with Narcan in Eastern Kentucky, or a Doctors Without Borders volunteer in Sudan, or a medicine man praying on a rock in the West to end the alcoholism ravaging his people, or a social activist trying to change a hostile culture, or your sweet Auntie who rejects nationalist rhetoric, feeds the neighborhood and wipes your tears all have more power than Robert Bigelow, Northup Grumman, Lockheed Martin, etc. etc., any oligarch, or any weapons manufacturing billionaire. It's the power of compassion, long mistaken for being Communism. The MIC can manufacture vehicles with stolen technology, but it's useless if humans can't invade anyone and make billionaires rich in the process. That intel has scrapped any possible secret space program decades ago and now it's just about suppression of development by Earth's population to keep billionaires and weapons manufacturers rich and powerful. 

8) Until we alter our society to reflect free energy, ecological preservation and resource sharing, Our Friends will keep a sharp eye out to make sure only those of pure intention enjoy the benefit of contact. This annoys the war state to no end, because this means someone with zero resource power but pure intention will have more access to interstellar contact than a five star general and world leaders. (There are MIC railgun and energy weapons aimed at the sky to prevent this, so all contact initiation has to include consideration for Their safety too.) 


9) They employ quantum observation matter state technology to detect observation beyond what has been invited by coherent thought sequencing. As soon as they detect this, we must be understanding when they disappear in the middle of a viewing. It means the uninvited have noticed. It also provides a reason for their vorping away as soon as you see them. This happened to me in upstate New York in June, 1996: a massive 300 foot wide (approx) silver disc was hovering above a tree line just over the PA-NY border as we traveled to Jamestown. I saw it, and asked the driver to pull over; in five seconds it zapped away. Why? Because I saw it and triggered a matter state detector by observation. 

10) You have to be able to imagine how amazing and exciting the world would be without violence, ecological disaster, and resource hoarding to envision the phenomenal excitement of interstellar travel. It requires hosting incredible optimism beyond the Self.

Do you possess this level of hope?

Monday, May 30, 2022

Outer Influences From Beyond The Self

I woke up at 3AM as my bed shook violently twice, and my normally high strung dog still zonked out right next to me. My cats don't have the power to shake the bed like that if they jump on or off, the metal frame and mattresses are easily 400-plus pounds; with me on it, a Smart Car. It was too short for a seismic event originating from the New Madrid area.

Other than CE-5 thought sequencing meditation I do every few days before bed, I actually work to dampen and dissolve any directed energy originating from unsolicited and nonconsensual human occult or religious focused prayer activity so that this house is an invisible dead zone to anything coming from the human occupied 2nd dimension and compass points. No human influence allowed, only Earth energy or ET contact. I only allow energy and information to come in on the Z axis from either the Earth or Space, so that was interesting. Something or someone was giving me a heads-up of awareness, so I tuned into whatever was coming in. After that I can only describe a sequence of "blipverts" going into my mind consisting of (and this is weird), seeds, rocks, natural fibers, bags of herbs, all organic substances. Did some human jackass construct a gris-gris to influence me, or am I being told to forego single use plastics? Perhaps both. Maybe I need to take care when I leave this sanctum to run tasks and errands.

I've been taking a Chinese Ci Shi calcified magnetite supplement daily to increase the ratio of magnetic iron particles in my bones and soft tissues so that I can be more sensitive to low level EM fields and any information transmitted on that wave and frequency. Since human occult or nonconsensual prayer activity is by definition a directed energy weapon, I can pick up on that as well as any Z axis data streams. Right now, finding out what humans are up to is far easier to interpret rather than the confusing imagery and prodding hints that come from sources that don't speak Human. I am working on tuning into that correctly; it is a slow process.

If my dog was completely blind to whatever it was that shook my bed, then it was not of human origin because she goes batshit at humans. And if human originating negative energy is directed at me, the wall glows red when I wake up to it at 3AM, so I can start working on banishing it immediately. It wasn't, so nobody has been that stupid (yet). They have in the past, and choked on Return To Sender attached to a cinder block for extra postage, but it's easily been decades since. That's the source of my "Magick is Bullshit" mode when I temporarily channel Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and The Amazing Randi to mentally reduce the occult community to a troupe of clowns for the sake of my own sanity.

I've thought about it at length, and I've realized that the core of my own work cannot be in any proximity to the religious, pagan or occult world aside from CE5 and Sangha. I run the risk of angering others with the tactical, moral and ethical structure I have mentally constructed to produce peace and safety in my immediate vicinity, which is very fragile considering the survival mentality and low vibrational settings of the surrounding culture. (Case in point: Texas.) And unfortunately, there is no lower vibration than bones, rocks and herbs when they are not osteology, forensic anthropology, mineralogy, grounding, certified medical herbalism and Ayurveda.

If people want to get in touch with communicating with the Earth, watch paranormal shows and look for interaction with angry "elementals": Jack and Kelly Osborne ran into an especially piqued one in Red Boiling Springs, Tennessee where Nestle is sucking the water out of the rock. Work on healing the Earth, not summoning Earth energies to make your life better. They need more help than you do. Nobody can use those to get to me, because I am on their side. One Algonquian Water Protector prayer on my end, a little sage, and nobody can effectively pray to Earth powers to influence me on any Cumberland watershed. Womp womp.

So the Z axis information stream just told me that some human is either doing something irrelevant to prevent me from doing something I consider irrelevant and would never do anyway, or I need to start living closer to the Earth while continuing to direct my Consciousness to the stars.

Like I said, perhaps both.

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Blue World My Ass


This gigantic epic $8.50 jumbo smoked pork BBQ sandwich with homemade vinegar slaw and homemade BBQ sauce at Joe's Diner in Huntingdon TN, and crawling a few antique malls, was the literal highlight of my day since I was scheduled to do my first pool sale in a supposedly lucrative market after 3 days of training this week.
So my first ever customers were a trailer with a family DEAD SET on the super cheap special $2000 pool for $399, so much so that the huge wheezing dad in a rebel flag headscarf and his toothless son in a 2nd Amendment T shirt unloaded a semiauto clip in the front yard just to impress me.
I did the whole sales spiel with my kidneys in my mouth out of sheer terror, and the woman who owned the trailer blowing Marlboro Lights into my face. They didn't give me a surface to work with while my paperwork fell everywhere, didn't even give me a glass of water, and all the questions were regarding the economy pool at every single step. So I explain why a pool with the huge volume of water involved with the special requires $2700 worth of specialized insurance, a lawyer release of liability, a construction crew and a warranty deed, and of course I left the trailer being cussed out sideways.
I called the office and told them flat out that I just had to deal with human scum, and if I ever saw hardware in my workplace again unless it was worn by goddamn cops, I would drop their company like a bag of flaming shit. You know what my trainer said? "Well at least you got that one out of the way! I promise they're not all like that"
Oh really? I'll get another one? The next piece of magat tr@il3r tr@5h out in Shitsville Tennessee I have to spiel to while I sit and look at firearm hardware like a bukkake line of dicks in my face, LET ALONE watch them shred a barrel in the front yard with a semiautomatic rifle, makes me want to open carry with a big ass piece on a utility belt and a Che Guevara T shirt as my sales uniform. I won't do that because I want to live, but I will call the office and tell them I left without release because I had to sit with gun toting garbage A-GAIN. And then I'll get fired, and then I'll Fedex them a bag of my poop labeled ATTN: CEO.
But at least this sandwich kicked ass.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Galactic Ascension and the Extraterrestrial Almanac


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Reddit and the Do-Do-Do Principle

I have learned something about Reddit: the Do-Do-Do Principle. If you have a great insight and are popular, you get 5000 karma and golf claps from all the minions. If you are relatively new and have a great insight, they will:

1) Doxx your profile for previous opinions that they will find literally ANY excuse to nitpick and hate on.

2) Downvote your perfectly valid viewpoint using previous posts as nebulously irrelevant ammo.

3) Dogpile you for literally no fucking reason because their actual reasons are off-topic.

Reddit is literally Opinion High School for people who couldn't hack high school opinions.

Reddit is literally your toxic aunt who is judging you at Thanksgiving and snidely dismissing your relevance to humanity.

Reddit has now joined my cynical poopy ragpile of echo chambers along with Facebook, 4chan, and literally every other forum on the Internet except those with moderators who employ awareness of all logical fallacies.

That leaves: zero forums except to gawk at human stupidity, one facebook for long distance friends only, and mostly science and topical blog journals. And one blog where I blather to the irrelevant outer darkness. This one. Hi.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

It's been...seven years. So here's a post article about diabetes.

 I haven't been on Blogger in a while because I think my writing gets more visibility on Facebook among friends. But then I realize I have had journeys which may be of searchable use to others, and answering the cascade of increasingly stupid troll questions on Quora is getting very old, very fast. LinkedIn only works for reading articles written by people who have a run of far greater paper qualifications than myself, and being searchable by any number of potential employers who would get confused by my insane collection of life experience, so I have to keep that profile simple and quiet.

So here I am, back at Blogger. I hope you are happy that I am still alive, and haven't written much in the way of cathartic poetry or fan fiction, because that phase was for mental recovery from the tsunami of fucked up shit that was in my The End post in 2014. Maybe I'll write some real fiction soon, who knows.

Instead of plopping down the vast amount of journey posts I have put on facebook, here's my latest, which is about my journey as a diabetic and my explorations of complementary medicine in addition to the usual slew of standard Western meds. 


I have been using on average about 10 grams of kratom a day for diabetic symptom management, from quieting gastric issues to managing peripheral pain and tiredness. I try to be really careful with the dosage because effectiveness can wane and require larger amounts, but if I take myself off of it, my life is pain, basically. So it's a juggling act- juggling days where I take half the usual dosage at least twice a week.
Kratom is natural and an amazing symptom remedy for diabetes, as per its traditional use in Southeast Asia and Polynesia. However, it's a fairly expensive remedy (although far cheaper than insulin). I usually have to spend about $80 a month on quality, regulated US made capsules.
Then this time last week, I was shopping at Patel's grocery for namkeens (chickpea snacks), samosas, tea, basmati rice and thokku rice paste, and chanced on the Ayurvedic meds section of the store. I found a packet of Ayurvedic meds called Madhunashini Vati, made for diabetes. It was all herbal, was a complementary medicine, and supposedly relieved symptoms of diabetes immediately.
So I bought it, went home, and took two stinky herbal tablets. And...HOLY SHIT. NO PAIN. No pain at night, no pain in the morning, relief of tingles in my hands, no food coma, no excessive thirst. Needless to say, literally the only thing I'll need kratom for in the future is popping a couple grams to bind up the inevitable gastric response to my morning coffee.
You can get this super cheap on Amazon. It beats every painkiller out there and the demand from the Indian community is proof that this works incredibly well. THANK YOU AYURVEDA!