A writer's blog of the sublime, surreal, repugnant and redeeming.

This is a writer's blog of the sublime, surreal, repugnant and redeeming, my venture into the great unknown and unknowable.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Internet Engineered Minorities and devaluing of genuine systemic issues

Internet Engineered Minority: definition

When a little majority choad on the Internet feels left out of what they see as special treatment of genuinely oppressed groups, and engineers their own group identity to feel socially validated within a niche behavior. Usually they are violently allergic to the truth about their celebrated niche behavior removing power from, and being far inferior to, the needs of the actual oppressed minority.

Example: My post on kink Reddit: "Str8 males on Fetlife are there to fetishize both their hatred of, and sexual attraction to, women, and to find support for their sadistic psychosis" -20 likes and mod warnings "Waah, don't kink shame us you oppressor, waaaah" ("Kink shaming" is the new IEM buzzword for outing sexual neuroses and dangerous behavior as such)

Same post on Feminist Reddit: +900 likes

Historic example: 1990s creation of neopagan identity on the Internet.

My post on neopagan Reddit: "If xtianity has damaged you so much then kick all deities to the curb and grow tf up as an enlightened atheist; all gods are infantile" -20 likes, mod warning, "Don't oppress my wicca/magickckckckul lifestyle you Burning Times loving oppressor"

Same post on atheist Reddit: +200 likes

My point is, never listen to Internet Engineered Minorities whining about how you're oppressing them. Call the little bastards out. The Internet created their so-called community when the actual oppressed minorities existed before the Internet as systemic social issues. Wanting to be part of an engineered minority is a pathology that values victimhood as a social glue and fails to acknowledge personal responsibility in countering actual systemic oppression.

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